Elevate Your Life and Relationships to New Heights

"Best speaker we've ever had!"
"This is something I will not soon forget."
Blake has spoken to...

“Blake Brewer led us through the Legacy Letter workshop where we were reminded that our stories are the threads that weave the fabric of our lives. They are the narratives that define who we are, where we come from, and what we aspire to be. They are the legacies we pass on to future generations, ensuring that our voices and our wisdom live on.
This workshop had nothing to do with my business…but it had everything to do with my business. This workshop was well worth it for our clients and associates.”
Kevin Cummings, Partner & President, Southwest - Lockton Companies

Blake's Message Will Connect With Everyone
- Blake shares the story of his father's drowning and finding his dad's letter a few hours later.
- Everyone will leave inspired to live a life that counts and to connect with your loved ones before it's too late.
- Blake partners with each of his clients to tailor his message in a way that complements their industry, accomplishes their goals and supports their audiences.

Blake Can Help Your Audience Write A Life Changing Letter To A Loved One
You've never been to a workshop like this.
Your wheels will turn as Blake shares transformational information with amazing stories that keep you locked in the entire time.
This is a great team building experience.
Blake shared with our team his story and about the Legacy Letter Challenge. Let's just say there wasn't a dry eye.
Blake's Sizzle Reel
Create a Lasting Legacy.
Connect on a Deeper Level.

“Blake spoke to our largest Brotherhood Breakfast ever since we started 9 years ago…600 men. Blake’s story and his message was perfect. He had every man’s attention locked on for 30 minutes and everyone left inspired to go be a better man and father."
Johnie Hampton, Founder of Brotherhood Breakfast

Ok, you have a team of letter writers here at Helzberg Diamonds that are blown away with their experience! The response has been remarkable- some say life changing."
Julie Yoakum, President at Helzberg Diamonds

“Blake spoke at our complex Education Conference this past June and the feedback from our advisors was that his message and The Legacy Letter Challenge is “a great value add and differentiator to our clients.” He was one of our top-rated speakers for the whole event."
Chris Noonan, Senior Executive Vice President at Equitable Advisors

"This is one of the best things I’ve done in my life. That’s why I wanted my team to do it together. They had a phenomenal experience that bonded and united them."
Justen Traweek,
SVP Walmart
The Greatest Letter
You'll Ever Write
At the tender age of 19, Blake Brewer was faced with an unimaginable tragedy when his father tragically drowned in Hawaii while they were snorkeling together.
A few hours later, as reality was setting in, Blake discovered a life-changing Legacy Letter that his father had recently written and was going to give him on this trip.
This letter altered the direction of his life forever.
He, along with his team and countless individuals, are on a mission to help 1 million dads and moms write at least 1 well written, meaningful, lasting Legacy Letter.
"A transformational experience!"
"Very inspirational."
"This was an 11 out of 10."
"I want to thank you for the incredible teaching and encouragement about the Legacy Letter to kids or whomever. Well-done, thought-provoking and difficult to do, but much needed."
"Such an impactful event!"

"It was so impactful, and I can’t wait to share the letter I write with my kids. I’ve already told friends that if they have the opportunity, they have to do it!"
"There was hardly a dry eye in the place. Really the emotion of that experience just shows how very important our families are to us and how we need to breathe and make sure they know."
"The message and project is so powerful and much needed in our families across the world today."

Ryan Corry, Chief Philanthropy Officer @ SVdP
"I’m so grateful for the Legacy Letter workshop that our donors were able to attend and experience. Blake’s presentation - his story, his guidance on the letter, the tone he uses, etc were all perfect for our group. The “thank you’s” are flooding in."

Watch Blake's Interview on the Today Show.

“Russel, you said you wanted to know if you’ve ever made a difference. The fact that you’ve allowed this to come to us is a huge difference you’ve made to your friends and your clients…”
"The result of this project far exceeded my expectations. I think this will go along way to making us closer as a family and improving our communication with one another. I can't thank you enough for all that you're doing!"
"This was a great experience for me writing this letter. I spent a lot of time reflecting on all the key areas of the outline that was suggested. It was especially meaningful when I tried to explain what Love meant to me as it relates to Kyle. It was also really fun remembering some memories, that quite frankly I forgot, and included many of them with an explanation on some of them."